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Have you ever thought that yogurt is the easiest and tastiest alternative to many of our usual ingredients? Or do you simply love indulging in it spoon after spoon? So, preparing it at home is easier than you can imagine and you don’t need any special equipment. With this little book Virginia Repetto shows you the best way of preparing your favorite yogurt (classic, vegetable of any kind, Greek etc) and how tasty you could turn your menus both trying new recipes and just using yogurt instead of butter, cream etc…Virginia guides you with tips and suggestions for the perfect success with this multi-purpose ingredient – in your favorite taste and creaminess – and forty original recipes; from the basics of yogurt to breakfast and break ideas, and of course maincourses, dips and patisserie: labneh truffles, fruit smoothies, pumpkin-chard quiche, herbs focaccia, peas & spinach risotto, strawberry charlotte, glazed plum-cake and many more. Organic, healthy, seasonal, sustainable… these are just a few of the qualities you can benefit with your own yogurt… and moreover, it will be always fresh and super-tasty!

Always in love with good food and author of the blog, in the kitchen she blends precision with creativity. After graduating in Engineering, she specialized as a food photographer and recipe author. Since 2015 she has been producing photos and recipes for the monthly magazine Alice Cucina and for the magazines I Quaderni di Alice and I Colori della Cucina. Since 2017 she has worked with Ci Piace Cucinare! and its specials. Collaborates with companies in the sector creating recipes and photos for social and online platforms.