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From Paris: The Resistance Movement of Italian Theatre

To mark the publication of 1990-2020. Le théâtre italien en résistance (Éditions Théâtrales), edited by Federica Martucci and Olivier Favier, the two editors have provided the Italian Cultural Institute of Paris with an excursion through the history of Italian theatre during the last thirty years through a series of video portraits of contemporary Italian playwrights: Fausto Paravidino, Laura Sicignano, Davide Enia, Francesca Garolla, Pier Lorenzo Pisano, Lucia Calamaro, Oscar de Summa, Marta Cuscunà, Daniele Timpano and Elvira Frosini, Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini, and Stefano Massini.

Available on the website of the Italian Cultural Institute of Paris, 11 February-30 May.


18 February Fausto Paravidino
25 February Laura Sicignano
4 March Lucia Calamaro
11 March Pier Lorenzo Pisano