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Leonardo andrebbe al Pride?

A man who moved by curiosity even before his human ingenuity. A lazy, fickle person but always ready to observe and rework every manifestation of nature with his talent.

The Leonardo’s ambiguous and enigmatic figures give his paintings that unique and unforgettable style.

They’re the very starting point for immaginig his private life, a full of love and games life of a strict mental patterns free and gioliardic man. Therefore, why don’t we bring Leonardo to life nowdays among the Pride Rainbow?

This is Giussani’s attitude towards life stuff to explore deeply Leonardo’s emotional and sexual sensitivity.

Stefano Paolo Giussani, from Milan, graduated at Bocconi University, is a journalist and a documentaries author. He coordinates the group of authors of Magnitudo Film and has signed projects for National Geographic, History Channel and Swiss Radio and Television. He collaborates with «Huffington Post», «Corriere della Sera» and «Art Tribune» on issues related to sustainability, green economy, responsible tourism and human rights, specifically involving the LGBTQ community.