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A Oriente. Breviario di un altro Mediterraneo

The volume intends to pay homage to the ideas and suggestions of an intellectual of our recent times such as Predrag Matvejevic, retracing – through some conceptual categories of the Bosnian writer such as geopoetics, and his historiographical intuitions – a journey through time, in what he traced as the Eastern Mediterranean, theater of war in the modern age between the powers of the time for the control of spices; and essential component of the history of the European space, part – albeit often denied – of its own civilization, thus transformed into a questionidentity on the essence of Europe.

Gaetano La Nave holds a PhD in History of International Relations. He has worked for years as a researcher in France, the United Kingdom and the United States. He has numerous publications in Italy and abroad in collective volumes and international journals, in particular on the history of the contemporary Mediterranean.