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A dialogue in two voices, in which Elena Balsamo’s poetic register alternates with Maria Montessori’s more technical-pedagogical one. Alfabeto Montessori is a book of reflections, almost ‘daily meditations’, in order to understand the most important, innovative and less known aspects of Maria Montessori’s thought and vision, but above all to be able to establish with her that spiritual contact that she used to make with the child and his audience.

Parents are not the child’s builders, but his keepers. They must protect and care for it in a profound sense, as one who assumes a sacred mission.
Maria Montessori, The Secret of Childhood

Elena Balsamo, specialist in childcare, deals with maternage practices and works to support the mother-child couple during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.Expert in Montessori pedagogy, she carries out training activities for parents and operators in the educational and health fields.