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Alle origini dell’anima occidentale. Per un Tommaso d’Aquino senza tomismi

The Author presents the Summa Theologica, the best-known work by Thomas Aquinas (whose eighth centenary of birth will occur in 2025) in the unusual reversal of its thematic architecture: he doesn’t start from God the creator to descend to human experiences but the reverse, not to obey some devotional or advertising extravagance but to embark on a path of approaching the divine which is an exercise of the will and enlightenment of the collective conscience. In the age of information technology where all communication risks slipping into the antiquated residues of humanism, the experiment borders on the challenge of an impossible mission: to relive the kinship with the divine not as a power that sanctifies facts but which redeems them from their fatality, where East and West feel they have lost their souls.

Mauro La Spisa, born in Rome in 1936, completed classical university studies. He was a freelance journalist from 1983 to 1988. In 1984 he published a Storia della filosofia in 3 volumes and some essays, as well as articles in journals. In 2021, on occasion of Dante’s seventh centenary, he published Dante in the middle of the Infosphere.