1 March 2024

Amici e nemici. A loro devo quello che sono

by Terni Massimo
Amici e nemici. A loro devo quello che sono

This book is a eulogy of friendship. It is believed, along with Alexis de Tocqueville, that without it politics would not exist. And one thinks of its close proximity to love passion. These philosophical reflections are recounted with the many different cases, some happy, some inauspicious, drawn from the memory of a lifetime. In a web of adventurous events, unknown and well-known characters parade, from Leonor Fini and Salvador Dalì to Ottiero Ottieri and Alain Touraine.

  • Publishing house Gingko Edizioni
  • Year of publication 2024
  • Number of pages 182
  • ISBN 9788831229609
  • Foreign Rights Angelo Paratico
  • Foreign Rights sold Not yet
  • Price 19.00

Terni Massimo

Massimo Terni wasd born in Shanghai, China, in 1945. He moved with his chinese mother and italian father to London, first, then to Milan, Italy. He met some of the main protagonists of the new European wave of artists and philosophers. He tough in some fo the main italian universities.

Amici e nemici. A loro devo quello che sono

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