Atlante del mondo che cambia
by Molinari Maurizio, Molinari Maurizio, Molinari Maurizio
Conflicts, migrations, climate. Gender equality, racism, inequalities. And again the populism threatening our democracies and the Covid-19 virus devastating the planet: eight lessons on the world to come with maps, graphics and data to guide us in the analysis of a present day that is challenging our imagination.
Our world has always been characterized by changes and metamorphosis, both on the geopolitical level and on the economic and social front. But the speed and frequency of these changes has never reached the intensity which we have been witnessing since the beginning of the third millennium. The idea of this book was born from this awareness, and from the urgency of dealing with clarity the great trends in progress: an ancient instrument, that of maps, combined with the most advanced cartography and data research to offer the reader an in-depth description of the changing world. A valuable tool for anyone who wants to explore the horizon that is taking shape, by examining eight main issues, from actual conflicts to latent ones, from the climatic emergency to the wound of racial discrimination, from social and gender inequalities to the the migratory phenomenon, and the health emergency caused by the pandemics.
- Publishing house Rizzoli
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 208
- ISBN 9788817140997
- Foreign Rights Sonia Finotello
- Ebook sì
- Awards Premio Biagio Agnes 2020: Premio Giornalista Scrittore
- Price 22.00 €
Molinari Maurizio, Molinari Maurizio, Molinari Maurizio
Journalist and writer. Graduated in POlitical Science and History, he studied in Oxford, Jerusalem and Rome. He was correspondent from Brussels, New York and Jerusalem for La Stampa, establishing himself as one of the greatest international experts in geopolitics. He directed La Stampa and now he’s the editor of Repubblica. Among his books with Rizzoli, Il califfato del terrore (2015), Jihad (2016) and Il ritorno delle tribù (2017).