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Learn how to win the hearts and minds of B2B clients through enhanced branding and high ROI, and how to crush your competition.

B2B Marketing Revolution shows you how to apply consumer logic and CRM to the more complex industry of B2B and direct marketing.

Success begins with a strategy built on an “I measure therefore I am” approach to provide readers with an integrated MIM® (Multidimensional Integrated Marketing) approach.

The final part shows how MIM® can be applied to your media mix and investigates the very heart of online and offline operative marketing.

Alberto di Mase is Visirun Country Marketing Manager for Italy. He has been a marketing manager and management consultant for a number of businesses in Italy and abroad.

Ale Agostini is an entrepreneur for Bruce Clay Europe. He teaches at Sole24Ore Business School, is a Tedx speaker and has written best-sellers on digital marketing.