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“This is how your brain works!” What is the nervous system? How do the five senses work? And how does our memory work? Explore the neighborhoods of Brainopolis with Ramon, a young neuron who has to decide what he will do when he grows up. As he travels to the thalamus, to the cortex, to the cerebellum, the amigdala, and the hippocampus, he will discover the role of every area of the brain: there are neurons that take care of movement, others take care of emotions, and still others, of memories … Which incredible team will Ramon decide to join?

After earning his PhD in neuroscience at University College London, Matteo Farinella combined his knowledge with a passion for drawing. Welcome to Cervellopoli, his first children\’s book, deals with a complex subject with immediacy and vivacity. The main concepts encountered in the story are found again on the last two pages, which summarize the functioning of the nervous system and the structure of the human brain in a way that children will understand.