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La capanna nell’Italia greca. Riflessioni storico-antropologiche su Meridione ebraico e tracce di ebraismo nella cultura meridionale

This collection of articles and short essays, produced over the course of several years for newspapers, magazines and online magazines, expresses an attempt to integrate knowledge from several fields (historical, archaeological, anthropological and scientific) with the intention of offering an overall representation of the Jewish presence in the South. The contribution of this ethnic-religious component appears in fact very vague in the official historiography due to an alienation that took place 500 years ago. However, according to the author, it emerges from the comparison that the official extinction of religion does not coincide with the real removal of all the Semites. The further objective, therefore, is to detect what of Jewish culture survives within southern society.

Gennaro Aaron Avano (1971), Neapolitan, is a teacher at the ‘Montani’ Industrial Technical Institute in Fermo. Visual artist, musician and anthropology scholar from Southern Italy, he has collaborated with various magazines and newspapers. He is the territorial referent of the Italy-Israel Federation of Ascoli Piceno.