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Capri l’azzurra

Capri Island is a guide that not only takes you to all the island\’s sites of unique natural beauty, but also features the history, art, architecture and aspects of local life-style that have made Capri one of the most famous islands in the world. You can access amazing art work, spectacular photos, authoritative texts, and an original selection of architectural gems through a visual layout impact that reflects the spirit and charm which have attracted and tied people to Capri through the ages: heroes of mythology, emperors, monarchs, pirates, writers, poets, painters… The guide has been produced entirely by experts on the places and history of the island.

Sergio Prozzillo (Capri, 1954) is an architect and designer with studio in Naples since 1983. He has always combined his professional activity with training. He teaches Visual arts and drawing at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.

Flavia Soprani (Naples, 1982) has been working as a graphic designer and illustrator since 2007. In 2020 she obtained the PhD Humanities and Technologies at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.