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La carica di Balaklava

This is the story of the legendary cavalry charge that took place in Balaklava on 25 October 1854. The unfortunate protagonists of this epic page of military history were the men of the British cavalry light brigade: sent to certain death due to human error, they proved of unparalleled heroism by galloping against the cannons of the mighty Russian batteries located along what would become famous as the Valley of Death. Among the valiant 17th regiment of His Majesty’s Lancers, the men of Death or Glory, there is George Dillon, a young Irish farmer with a dramatic past. Arrested together with his friend Thomas for participating in the revolt that broke out following the Great Famine of 1845 and imprisoned in the terrifying Kilmainham prison in Dublin, he is freed at the price of an English cavalry uniform and an engagement in the Crimean war. There George will find his beloved Janet, a nurse in the military hospital, who will give him the strength to continue living and fighting. But his ghosts will continue to hover even in the desolate plain of Balaklava, until the day of reckoning.

Daniele Cellamare was a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome and at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies. He was director of the Defense Research and Information Institute. He has collaborated with national television stations and with various national and foreign newspapers. He is currently a consultant for the cultural activities of the General Treccani Agency in Rome.