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Cartier-Bresson libro dopo libro

Cartier-Bresson. Libro dopo libro by Ferdinando Scianna with an introduction by Stefano Bartezzaghi is the second title in the Lampi series, which stems from the bond that has united Ferdinando Scianna and Henri Cartier-Bresson for years. A book that is neither a scholarly essay nor a treatise on philology. What Scianna proposes is a very personal conversation centered, as he himself writes, on two great passions: ‘That for books, especially photography books, and that, specifically, for the books of Henri Cartier-Bresson whom I consider the master of my masters and certainly not only me, since four generations of photographers have referred to him as the most important point of reference of 20th century world photography. At least, of a certain kind of photography. I am particularly interested in his books because I think there are certain paradoxes and many reasons for interest concerning Cartier-Bresson’s relationship with books. And of his books with my life.’

Ferdinando Scianna was born in Bagheria, Sicily, in 1943. He began photographing in the 1960s.