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This story begins a long time ago. A young kaki tree is planted in the small garden of a small house in the heart of a city called Nagasaki.Growing and growing, the tree witnesses the thoughts, the secrets and the grief of the family watering it, and it’s for them a source of company and refuge. Their life is interwoven to the changes of the century, up until the 8th and 9th of August 1945.After the big dark cloud caused by the atomic bomb has dissolved, it will be the delicate hands of the survivors of the family to water the tree’s roots and help it to be born again. The tree, now ancient and wise, has a big scar on its trunk, but doesn’t stop believing that life and hope never end.Not many know that, in Nagasaki, a kaki tree really survived the bomb blast and this is its true story. Thanks to Kaki Tree Project – Revive Time the seeds of its daughter plants are now sent all over the world in order to be planted as a sign of peace and rebirth. This project, created by contemporary artist Tatsuo Miyajima and arborist Masayuki Ebinuma, will continue to send messages of peace, as long as trees are growing in different countries. In the light of recent events in different areas of the world, the significance of this gesture is even stronger and more meaningful. Brescia (Italy) hosts the European branch of the Kaki Tree Project, and has planted kaki trees all over Europe while many more are planned to be planted soon.

Chiara Bazzoli is a writer and a director. For many years she has directed theatre projects in social contexts. She has directed the documentary Le cose ritrovate (Rediscovered things) and she was selected among the finalists of the Premio Solinas with the documentary I sognatori (The dreamers). She loves plant and Japan.