22 October 2020

Città e capitali nella tarda antichità

Città e capitali nella tarda antichità

Historiography, politics, urban spaces, sustainability, cultural memory, law, religion, aristocracies, groups and institutions that in various historical moments have built a specific identity for a specific city are just some of the points that gravitate around the fulcrum of this volume, and that is, the history of capitals and cities in late antiquity. Starting from Rome, from its changes and transformations faced following the creation of other capitals, the contributions collected here offer an updated overview by presenting some case studies ranging from the Eastern and Western Roman Empire and exploring the possibility of interregional comparisons. The comparison between historical developments in different geographic areas and the existing interconnections, the analysis of autonomous and perfectly coherent or partially coherent worlds beyond the approaches of the individual essays find the underlying reason in the overall theme that revolves around Rome, eternal capital, and its relations with other cities and capitals which repeatedly underline the \’Roman\’ dimension of the world, defined in its extension and boundaries as a function of intellectual and political education. A variety of ideas are therefore presented here which offer on the institutional and political level, but also on the ideological and symbolic one, few examples that can be evidence of continuity and change with previous centuries as they play a focal role in the machine of representation of power and the search for consent.

B. Girotti is a researcher at the University of Bologna. She deals with the history of late antiquity, Roman historiography and the history of women in the classical world. Particular interest is turned to the lexicon of pagan authors.
Ch.R. Raschle is Associate Professor at the Université de Montréal. His main interests converge in the history of the administration and the political system of the Roman Empire and in the themes of cultural history and mentality during late antiquity.

Città e capitali nella tarda antichità

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