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\’Come in un giardino\’ is the story of Michelino, a child who loves nature who has his own garden that he takes care of with dedication and constancy. Plant a new seed and wait with spasmodic anticipation for the birth of the new flower. He will discover, despite himself, that the long-awaited flower is however imperfect. Angry, he thinks of tearing it away because it ruins the harmony of the garden. Instead, convinced by the other flowers, he decides to take care of them with even more love and understands that his garden, thanks to that flower that only he owns, is unique and unrepeatable.

Agata Vignes\’s writing in its simplicity reaches the reader\’s heart. The writer\’s words are enhanced by the magical art of illustrative creation by Antonio Boffa, winner of various national and international awards.

Agata Vignes graduated in Educational Sciences and specialized in Clinical Pedagogy in Florence. She published the book \’Sasso Picasso\’

Antonio Boffa is the author of images for children\’s publishing; illustrator, painter, engraver, ceramist and graphic designer. He has published more than 30 illustrated books in Italy and abroad. He has obtained prestigious awards and prizes including the \’Lucca Comics Junior\’ International Award for illustrators in 2011 and 2012.