Cometario. Catalogo delle grandi comete
by Zambello Sarah , Zanella Susy
With their luminous trails they cross the space and the curiosity of human beings since ancient times. Bringers of misfortune, warning signals or astronomical phenomena to investigate? The periodic and fleeting appearance of comets accompanies the evolution of civilizations, refines the tools of astronomy, inspires artistic, musical and poetic works that, as fixed stars, paint and direct the imagination of a historical era. Follow the sightings of comets to know how to recognize and distinguish them: a journey through space and time to understand the profound relationship between man and sky, a journey that will lead the reader to discover the Great Comets that have illuminated ancient and contemporary skies, through the watchful eye of astronomers, artists and thinkers. Realized in collaboration with INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Naples.
- Publishing house Nomos Edizioni
- Year of publication 2022
- Number of pages 80
- ISBN 9791259580627
- Foreign Rights Benedetta Tosi,
- Price 24.90
Zambello Sarah , Zanella Susy
Sarah Zambello has a degree in Education Sciences. She designs reading education interventions and carries out storytelling workshops at schools and bookshops. She attended the Bottega Finzioni writing school in Bologna and the Advanced Course in Reading and Literature for Children and Adolescents at the University of Padua. She holds training meetings for teachers dedicated to reading education. She loves walking and playing lost in the woods.