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Contro Ventotene. Cavallo di Troia dell’Europa neoliberale

A seductive rhetoric, fueled by a left orphan of its old certainties, has made the Ventotene Manifesto the founding myth of the Europe of rights. It demonized democratic conflict, however, while its developments elevated the free movement of goods and capital as the foundation of unification. Spinelli then promoted the alliance between European technocracy and centers of economic power, and endorsed the path to the single currency. He thus made his work the Trojan horse of the Europe of markets.

Alessandro Somma is full professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of Rome La Sapienza. He is a freelance journalist, editor in chief of La fionda and a contributor to MicroMega. Among his publications: Sovranismi (DeriveApprodi 2018), Quando l’Europa tradì se stessa (Laterza 2021).