5 August 2020

Credere nello sport

by Bertone Tarcisio
Credere nello sport

Practicing sport requires not just to train one\’s body, but also one\’s human and Christian virtues and values. Sport is a field in which the roots of the Christian  message can bloom over and over again, and where people can express their best part.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone\’s last book is not just a piece of literature, but also a tout court manifesto in the name of passion for sport, regarded as a bond between competitive activity and moral heritage.

The features a wide photographical insert.



  • Publishing house Bradipolibri
  • Year of publication 2020
  • ISBN 9788899146696
  • Ebook
  • Price 15.00 €

Bertone Tarcisio

Tarcisio Bertone (1934) became a Salesian monk in 1950; was dean of the Salesian Pontifical University; in 1991 was appointed archbishop of Vercelli, in 1995 Secretary of  the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and in 2002 archbishop of Genoa. In 2003 Pope John Paul II appointed him cardinal and from 2006 to 2013 he has been State Secretary under the pontificate of Benedict XVI and Francis. From 2007 to 2014 he has been chamberlain of the Roman Church.

Credere nello sport

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