20 December 2020


by Barretta Marco

Daisy is a little girl who lives with her father, a writer. One day, reading one of her father\’s novels, the young girl plunges among its pages becoming a new protagonist of the story. To get out of it, she will have to get to the end of the book, following the same path as the hero she replaced by falling into the narrative. Daisy, along with the other characters, will move to reach and defeat the Evil Queen. But will it be really wickedness that moves the Queen\’s actions? Perhaps this story written by her father still holds many surprises for the little girl.

  • Publishing house Tunué
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 120
  • ISBN 9788867903351
  • Price 14.50 €

Barretta Marco

Lorenza Di Sepio, character design and storyboard artist. He collaborated in the creation of several cartoon series produced by Rai. Author of Simple & Madama, a social project that later became an editorial product.

Marco Barretta, is a videographer and screenwriter of Procrastination, the latest volume of the Simple & Madama series.


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