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David Gilmour & Roger Waters

The book revisits all the works and turning points in the lives of the two men as it takes us on an enthralling journey into the interstices of two extraordinary musicians whose experiences stretch far beyond the dazzling history of Pink Floyd.

A stifling tie for Roger Waters, who sailed off on his own career decades ago; an old-fashioned suit for David Gilmour, who branched out solo and notched up an impressive string of records, tours and collaborations.

The book tells a dual biography with perfectly matched devotion – one that crosses and diverges from time to time. It revisits the milestones of the two musicians’ debuts until today and explores the countless projects, concerts and epochal changes that touched two of the greatest artists in the history of rock, first as a band, then individually.

The book investigates the childhoods, teenage years and first steps of both men as their tortuous paths led them to the beginning of the Pink Floyd epic. We learn about the band’s meteoric rise and the pivotal events from 1967 to 1995; we also revisit all the solo albums, concerts, individual tours, projects outside Pink Floyd and countless collaborations from the Seventies until today.

Nino Gatti is a historian, biographer and Pink Floyd collector. He has edited several fanzines, collaborating with Italian and foreign publications as well as with websites dedicated to the band.

Stefano Girolami is a journalist and writer. He has edited books on Pink Floyd and has written about music, cinema, sport, events and documentaries.