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Through the analysis of data on the social determinants of health, taken from official sources, the picture that results on the state of health in our country is black and white, where white is all in the Centre-North and black covers the South. By verifying the relationship between poverty, unemployment, educational qualifications and state of health, a scenario emerges which sees the South trapped in a perverse spiral, apparently with no escape, like the passengers of the Titanic whose unhappy fate was determined by their boarding class, the third. The health and economic catastrophe caused by the pandemic has only highlighted, not determined, inequalities, but the poor have become even poorer. If the paradigm is ‘more poverty-less health’, the health situation will also get worse. This work is aimed above all at the women and men of the South and at the many health and well-being rights that have been and still are denied to their communities.

Rosetta Papa, gynecologist, has worked for 40 years in public health. In 1981 she opened one of the first family counseling centers in Naples. Member of the Birth Path committee of the Campania Region, she was already a member of the technical-scientific committee of the Higher Institute of Health in the context of the Project for the Requalification and Strengthening of Family Consulting Offices. She is a columnist for the Corriere del Mezzogiorno.