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Dragoncello, the only son of King Dragus, is insecure, clumsy and loves to take care of gardens. To the test of the fire, everyone discovers that the little dragon does not spit flames but… clear water. Drangocello will be teased by everyone and will run away, convinced he has disappointed his parents. But along the way he will find a little friend …

Some information about the illustrator: Chiara Buccheri has always drawn. For Edizioni Leima she illustrated Il racconto del silenzio (Mention of merit at the XXXV Edition 2018 Premio Città di Cava de‘ Tirreni) and Il paese di ChiriChiri CaraCara.


Federica Bernardo, was born in 1985. She has a degree in philology and teaches Italian and history. His debut is in 2014 with Feltrinelli: Momenti di insopprimibile fastidio.