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Years after receiving the family’s request, a detective from a famed agency arrives in Italy to investigate the disappearance of a Second World War soldier. Almost all the relatives of the man are dead, the witnesses are old and the trail cold… But the P.I. will get to an answer, because every wait needs a conclusion. Maurizio Lacavalla mixes Chandler and De Chirico in a surreal investigation with his evocative black & white pages, rich with atmosphere.

Maurizio Lacavalla was born in 1992 in Barletta. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, where he still lives. He is one of the founders of the “Sciame” collective and in 2016 he created the designs for the volume Hotel Massilia, written by Emidio Clementi. In 2017 he received a nomination as “Best short story” at the Micheluzzi prize of the Comicon of Naples, for the first episode of Il John Ford Point (Armata Spaghetto # 1). Due attese is his first comic book.