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E’ nata una mamma! Il primo libro di fiabe per le mamme

After the great success of Fiabe straordinarie per famiglie non ordinarie, Elisa Binda and Mattia Perego tell the small and big challenges of every new mum.  The protagonists are mythical characters that confronts themselves with very real problems: Lucille the witch, has to overcome the post partum depression, Guenda is a dormouse but cannot sleep, Lili the vampire, does not feel to be worthy as a mother, and many other creatures, all different but with one thing in common: the magic of becoming mothers!

Elisa Binda and Mattia Perego are two copywriters, husband and wife. Elisa graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures, Mattia in Modern Letters and both attended a Master in Copywriting.They have been working in advertising for more than ten years.

Leandra La Rosa, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Palermo as a graphic designer, has published illustrated books since 2013 with various Italian and foreign publishing houses.