E se poi prende il vizio?
by Bortolotti Alessandra, Bortolotti Alessandra, Bortolotti AlessandraThere are many books dedicated to the care of small children, in most cases passed off as instruction manuals, magical recipes for happiness for parents and children. And we know that today’s society imposes times and spaces based on the logic of productivity and consumerism, without caring to protect the psychophysical and emotional development of the smallest. Thus, children find themselves growing up in an adult-centric world that often forgets about them or imposes the need to become immediately autonomous and independent, not to disturb, to ignore from the beginning their instincts and the ability to communicate their needs. And what if they pick up the habit? , instead, does not propose identical methods for everyone. Starting from the assumption that each parent is unique and, as such, must get involved in the first person and make free choices, autonomous and informed, to raise human beings who put in first place the emotional relationships and free expression of feelings, the book invites you to reflect on the uniqueness of each family, the right (and duty) to educate and raise children in freedom, putting aside cultural prejudices and listening to their hearts and instincts. Alessandra Bortolotti, renowned perinatal psychologist, in her book deals with universal themes such as the sleep of newborns and older children, the need for contact and the most basic forms of communication between parents and children, based on the most recent discoveries in the field of neuroscience. In fact, research on the physiology of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding underlines, in a clear and inappellable way, that responding to the affective needs of children does not mean spoiling them but, on the contrary, constitutes an indispensable patrimony that can positively influence the physical and emotional balance of their entire lives.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2010
- Number of pages 232
- ISBN 9788895177755
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 16.00 €
Bortolotti Alessandra, Bortolotti Alessandra, Bortolotti Alessandra
Alessandra Bortolotti, perinatal psychologist, has been working for years on childcare and physiology of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. She is a consultant for several magazines and websites dedicated to parents and writes on various scientific publications. She is the creator and editor of the website www.psicologiaperinatale.it and conducts postpartum meetings in the province of Florence, where she currently resides.