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In this third and final volume of the Trilogy of Inner Journeys, Bimba Landmann takes us into the world of our dreams, explored as in a herbarium, in a fascinating metaphor between our inner life and the growth of the natural world. From the Forest of Night Dreams we move on to discover the Plants of Daydreaming and then to the Garden of Lucid Dreaming, until we understand that dreams are our most important tool to change the world for the better.

Bimba Landmann is a children’s illustrator and writer. Her books are translated into 20+ languages and her drawings exhibited at the National Gallery in London, Hitabashi Museum in Tokyo, and elsewhere: United States, England, France, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan and Italy. Her works have been used to make television documentaries, interactive guides, and theatrical performances. In 2017 the Museum of Contemporary Art Carlo Bilotti dedicated a personal exhibition to her work.