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L’esistenza. Inganno della realtà

Each of us, at least once in his life, will certainly have asked himself questions about his own existence and what the word \’exist\’ can really mean. Over the centuries, humanity has often not given concrete or scientific answers on the subject (also because science did not exist in the beginning) but has only tried to ‘invent’ from time to time something that could explain everything. He thought, or rather hypothesized, a being or something superior to us humans, later called God the creator, who could have created and decided everything, but without being able to prove it, assuming that we must believe this only by faith. Today, however, we live in an era in which science has made great strides and many things are known and can be perfectly explained with the physical laws of nature discovered so far. The time is therefore ripe to be able to describe and understand the subject of existence, from a new point of view. This must be, not only much more scientific, but also based on everything history has taught us. In reality, even the same questions to be asked can be modified in a more profound way, not only considering the classic questions such as: Who created the universe? What was before his birth? But by asking an all-encompassing question and that is: Why is there something instead of nothing? Everything, the entire universe, us or who knows what else, could very well not just exist. No one would ever question the subject and the discussion would never exist. But we are here to ask ourselves and to think why something exists. This book, tracing the history of everything we know, in a concise and engaging way, tries to respond in a new way to why existence, even going so far as to refute the very concept of its meaning.

Giampiero Chisena was born in Marano di Napoli in 1973. His degree in Aeronautical Engineering at Federico II University led him to work in the main Italian aerospace company as a designer and structural analyst. He participates in various international programs in the field, especially in the United States. This is his first essay.