5 August 2020

Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon

Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon

A brilliant monography on the Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon analyzed through the various prototypes, the development, the versions, the technical data, the operations, its exportation, its weaponery, liveries and insignias. The authours Felicioli, Francois, Benotti, Russo, Viselli (Skywing Press) made a great job adding plenty of color photos and profiles. They also deal with the modellism part proposing some kits. Photos/Illustrations: 187 colour; 21 black and white (including three-views and profiles). The text is bilingual (Italian and English).

  • Publishing house IBN
  • Year of publication 2011
  • Number of pages 96
  • ISBN 9788875650421
  • Price 24.50 €

Fulvio Felicioli  was born in Roma on 1973. Fond of aircrafts and modelling since youth, he started publishing articles and collaborating with important magazines.

Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon

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