28 January 2021


by Bruno Tim, Bruno Tim

The Factory is a smoky industrial farmwhere the animals are subjected to soullessmanufacturing routines. Scorza, an old and solitary rat, has known for many seasons how to get into the factory, through a hole in a rusty grating. He uses it to go in and steal the cattle’s fodder.The Factory has become his personal larder: an endless supply of food and a cosy shelter in winter. One day he falls onto the belt that fills the trough and comes face-to-face with A550, a calf with a white s lotch in the middle of its forehead. Scorza realizes that the steamy body before him can speak and has emotions. They become friends and friendship, as we all know, changes everything.

There’s a world outside and I’m going to show it to you. But first you need to break free.

10 +


  • Publishing house Rizzoli
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 192
  • ISBN 9788817144124
  • Foreign Rights Veronica Broglio -
  • Ebook disponibile
  • Price 16.00 €

Bruno Tim, Bruno Tim

TIM BURNO is one of Italy’s best-loved, most-successful children’s authors. A writer and naturalist, he has devoted most of his life to observing animals and their behaviour. He is now scientific coordinator of Genova’s aquarium. His“Odyssey” fantasy series sold more than 75,000 copies.


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