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The perfect book for all kids who, when they grow, will change the world with their inventions. Floppy is a timeless story: the adventure of a rebel girl and her robot friend. A precious novel, fully illustrated by the gifted hand of Andrea Cavallini (Dr. Bestia). A novel that perfectly combines texts and illustrations.

Amelia always wished to have a friend. But she is shy and spends most of her time alone, in her bedroom, to study the world. She entertains herself looking at objects and understanding how they work. To have fun, she disassemble dolls, takes apart boxes, builds weird tools. When she grows up she will for sure become an inventor! At present though she must do the homework assigned by her teacher: making boring wreaths and decorating the classroom before Christmas.But Amelia, who cannot rein her fantasy, uses the Christmas decorations and some waste materials to create something unique: a robot! She will call him Floppy and it will be her best friend. Pity that this lively robot is far from perfect: instead of responding to her commands, it messes everything up. Amelia will be forced to follow him through the streets of her snow-coated town in a funny and sparkling adventure. And, in the end, thanks to the Christmas magic, she will find a true friend.

Maria Daniela Raineri (Mavis Miller), writer , screenwriter, lecturer in writing for movies, has signed many novels for adults and for children which enjoyed a great success. Some of her adult fiction books have been translated into several languages . Under the pseudonym of Mavis Miller, she has written a successful series of MG novels : Lisbeth e il segreto della città d’Oro, Lisbeth e il giardino dei fiori incantati. Floppy is her last novel.