Libera. Un’amica tra le onde
When Alice learns that her parents are going toseparate, she immediately blames her father who isa passionate whale researcher who spends too muchtime as sea, leaving Alice and her mum alone. Whenforced to spend the holidays with him out in theAtlantic Ocean, Alice also brings aboard the Calypsoher anger about what’s happening to her family andher long-standing fear of water. What she doesn’tknow, however, is that accompanying her on her seaadventure is a crew ready to make her feel at homeand, even more importantly, Free, a blue whale whosurvived a terrible accident caused by man. Free isthe greatest gift she receives, an anchor to clingunashamedly to, until something happens, that is,to put the whale and it’s little one in danger: it’s upto Alice and her dad to work together to save thembefore it’s too late.
- Publishing house Mondadori Libri S.p.A.
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 175
- ISBN 9788804723653
- Foreign Rights Veronica Broglio -
- Ebook ebook
- Price €17
Daria Bertoni was born in Milan and has worked for many years as achildren’s bookseller and publisher’s agent. Her favourite things are books, gymnastics, travelling and dogs, but what she cares the absolute most about is encouraging young people of all ages to get into books. She wrote her debut novel Balancing stars for Mondadori.