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From Lyon: Italissimo

On 24 and 25 September, Italissimo will be in Lyon – in partnership with the Comoedia cinema, the Decitre and Damn Fine Bookstores, the Villa Gillet and Lucciola vagabonda. Antonio Moresco, accompanied by his translator Laurent Lombard, will present his new novel translated into French, Les ouvertures (Verdier, 2021). A reading of excerpts from the text will follow. Claudia Durastanti  and Massimo Donati will present their respective new novel :L’étrangère (Buchet Chastel, 2021) et C’est ici que tout commence (translated by Jean-Luc Defromont, Actes Sud, 2021). Daniele Luchetti’s film Liens (Laces) (It, 2020, vosf), with Alba Rohrwacher, Luigi Lo Cascio and Laura Morante, will be screened at the Cinema Comoedia. This work is based on Domenico Starnone‘s novel, Liens (Lacci) (Fayard, 2019), who will present his book via the zoom platform.

The Festival Italissimo in Lyon is co-organised by the Italian Cultural Institute of Lyon, Festival Italissimo Paris, Villa Gillet and Lucciola Vagabonda.

To see the detailed programme, click here.