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A wonderful illustrated album for readers of all ages.

The delicate watercolours and the brief but powerful texts tell the story of the \’people of the clouds\’, an invented civilization that lives up in the sky, surrounded by whiteness, that only know our world through the memories carried by the raindrops that go back to the clouds. A marvellous journey across the colours and shapes of the sky in the dreams and hopes of these people. A modern fairy tale on nature, memory and happiness, set in a fantastic and distant world that resembles our own much more than we can imagine.

Marino Amodio (author) was born and lives in Naples. He is an architect and the founder of the design studio ZAPOI.

Vincenzo Del Vecchio (illustrator) was born in Santa Maria a Vico. In 2016 he graduated in Architecture with a project – a series of illustrations – inspired by Calvino\’s Invisible Cities.

Their first album, Terraneo, was first published in Spain after winning the Premio Internacional Álbum Ilustrado Edelvives (2017), and then in Italy by Gallucci.