8 October 2021
From Oxford : Conglomerates. Andrea Zanzotto’s poetic clusters
On 18 and 19 November 2021, to mark the centenary of his birth, Oxford University will be hosting a conference on Andrea Zanzotto entitled Conglomerati. Andrea Zanzotto’s poetic clusters. Keynote speakers: Nicola Gardini, John P. Welle, Stefano Dal Bianco, Gian Maria Annovi. With the participation of Adele Bardazzi, Patrick Barron, Roberto Binetti, Daria Catulini, Marco Ferrari, Giovanna Frene, Matilde Manara, Massimo Natale, Fulvio Rambaldini, Jennifer Scappettone, Diego Terzano, Francesco Venturi, Emanuele Zoppellari Perale.