From Turin: Scrivere traduzioni

Scrivere traduzioni. Diciannove dialoghi sulla professione, la lingua e la letteratura, a cura di Paola Mazzarelli, Quaderni di tradurre / 1, Torino, 2022, pp. 301, s.i.p.
Distributed free of charge to the most faithful readers of the biannual online journal “tradurre. pratiche teorie strumenti”, edited by Aurelia Martelli (and whose publications stopped in autumn 2021), it gathers the interviews published in it from issue 8, autumn 2014 (the previous ones – from Paola Mazzarelli to Maurizia Balmelli, from Giulia Baselica to Claudia Zonghetti and from Ada Vigliani to Claudio Groff – had already been gathered in an anthology published by Zanichelli in 2017). It is enough to look through the index to realise that these are the best Italian translators and to understand the meaning of the title: for all of them, translation is an autonomous literary activity that requires a lot of talent and quality, extensive and deep skills, of which linguistic skills are only the prerequisite. Like theirs.