Wien, Innsbruck, Graz: Italian Literary Autumn

From 20 September to 23 November 2024, on the occasion of Italy’s participation as guest country at the Frankfurt Book Fair (16-20 October 2024), numerous Italian authors will be present in Austria this autumn to present their books, recently translated into German. The aim of this initiative is to offer the Austrian public a small cross-section of contemporary Italian literature, from the viva voce of some of its protagonists, with emerging voices and already established authors in the fields of novels, essays and comics.
12 authors, 18 events, 10 German-language publishers, 3 cities will be involved.
The books presented will be (in chronological order of events)
20 September – Sacha Naspini, Nives und ihre Männer (Kein & Aber)
9 October – Simona Baldelli, Die geheimnisvolle Freundin (Eichborn)
10 October – Mario Desiati, Spatriati (Wagenbach)
11 October – Fabio Stassi , Ich, ja ich werd’ Sorge tragen für dich (Converso)
11 October – Giulio Camagni, 1525 – Der Aufstand (Bahoe)
14 October – Matteo Melchiorre, Der letzte Cimamonte (Atlantis)
22 and 23 October – Enrico Palandri, Lichter auf der Piazza Maggiore (Schöffling & Co.)
8 November – Adrián Bravi, Adelaida (not yet translated into German)
20, 21 and 22 November – Marco Balzano, Café Royal (Diogenes)
22 November – Alberto Grandi, Mythos Nationalgericht (Harper Collins)
22 November – Francesca Melandri, Kalte Füße (Wagenbach)
23 November – Donatella Di Cesare, Wenn Auschwitz negiert wird (Passagen)
In collaboration with: Buch Wien, Büchereien der Stadt Wien, Buchhandlung List, Buchhandlung Yellow, Café Else, EUNIC Wien, Kulturverein INNcontri, Libellula. Italienische Kultur in Wien, Italienzentrum der Universität Innsbruck, Literaturhaus Graz, Literaturhaus Wien, Società Dante Alighieri Graz, Universität Graz