15 March 2024

Paris: ITALISSIMO (2-7 April 2024)

Paris: ITALISSIMO (2-7 April 2024)

ITALISSIMO is the Festival of Italian culture and literature in Paris.

The next edition of the Festival will take place in Paris from 2 to 7 April 2024 with meetings, readings, shows, films…

Among the guests, Silvia Avallone, Fabio Bacà, Giuseppe Catozzella, Mario Desiati, Lisa Ginzburg, Paolo Giordano, Gian Marco Griffi, Nicola Lagioia, Marco Missiroli, Rosella Postorino, Mirko Sabatino, Nadia Terranova

All information on the site italissimofestival.com

Paris: ITALISSIMO (2-7 April 2024)

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