10 June 2020

“The Poetry Translation Project “of the Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid

“The Poetry Translation Project “of the Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid

In this period where concrete support is essential in publishing, the Poetry Translation Project of the Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid arose. It has involved 12 independent Italian publishers. For each publishing house, the Italian Cultural Institute has translated a poet’s book in full. There are new and established male and female authors who, although are very different from each other, at the same time, represent their publishing house line and a cross-section of contemporary Italian poetry.
The titles, and the publishers involved, in alphabetical order by publisher, to date are:

Giulia Rusconi, Linoleum, Amos
Matteo Ferretti, Tutto brucia e annuncia, Casagrande
Guido Mazzoni, La pura superficie, Donzelli
Mariagiorgia Ulbar, Lighea, Elliot
Silvia Tripodi, ellora, IkonaLiber
Marco Corsi, Pronomi personali, Interlinea
Gerardo Masuccio, Fin qui visse un uomo, Interno Poesia
Tiziana Cera Rosco, Corpo finale, LietoColle
Cristiano Poletti, Temporali, Marcos y Marcos
Piera Mattei, L’infinito dei verbi, Piero Manni Editore
Elisa Ruotolo, Corpo di pane, Nottetempo
Giorgio Ghiotti, Alfabeto primitivo, Giulio Perrone Editore

Foreign rights remain the property of those entitled and the Spanish translations are available, free of charge, to those foreign publishers who decide to publish, in agreement with the Italian publisher, the Project’s texts. The Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid requests that its logo be included and also the name of the translator (Beatriz Castellary, Carlo Patrignani, Alessandra Picone) to protect the copyright.
The initiative is part of the many that the Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid has dedicated to poetry over recent years, in particular through the “Festival diffuso di poesia e scrittura. I quattro elementi” (The Widespread Poetry and Writing Festival. The four elements “) that has had two editions so far: 2018, Acqua e Terra (Water and Earth) and 2019, Aria e Fuoco (Air and Fire).

“The Poetry Translation Project “of the Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid

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