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#Homodigitalis speaks to “analog natives” in search of their lost identity, but also to generations of adults and their sense of inadequacy in the face of the Digital Revolution.

In these extraordinarily complex times, adults have given up their role as leaders for younger generations and youths claim the right to have their say in the decisions that concern them. The most telling case is the environmental issue led by Greta Thunberg. The roles have been reversed: young people accuse old people of sabotaging their future, while adults accuse youths of irreverence, blaming technology for triggering their disobedience.

We don’t need solutions or answers, just the right question that will enable us to start over again: which technology will lead us to an improved version of ourselves? The Digital Revolution could then become a can’t-be-missed opportunity to re-read the present from a less schizophrenic perspective and build a more inclusive future for all generations, old and new.

Martina Vazzoler is a philosophy graduate, marketing and online sales expert and lecturer at IUSVE in Mestre. She has published Vendere online con la mappa dei marketplace (2019) with Hoepli.