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I geroglifici – Manuale per leggere la scrittura egizia

With their writing Egyptians realistically represented the world around them. They called hieroglyphics “words of god”: these words would come back to life if read and pronounced, making their meaning real. But how do we read hieroglyphics? Forgotten for centuries and considered only as symbols, these signs had been decoded by J.-F. Champollion in 1822 and today hieroglyphics doesn’t seem so cryptic and inaccessible. In this simple grammar, with illustrative examples and a dictionary, the author reveals the secrets of this fascinating language and some keynotes to visits with satisfaction an Egyptian museum or collection.

Luca Peis, who has always been passionate about Egyptology, is a member of the Association Friends and Collaborators of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. From 2016 he holds courses in Egyptian language and hieroglyphic writing