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Il caso dell’elefante d’avorio – Me, Mum and Mystery vol. 3

Twelve-year-old Emily and her muddle-headed mom, Linda, leave their hectic life in London for Blossom Creek, a remote village where weird Uncle Orville has his cottage. This “cottage”, though, turns out to be the abandoned headquarters of a detective agency. Well…, it was abandoned until Emily turns over the “Closed” sign on the front door. Almost immediately, the would-be detectives’ first client appears, and the mother daughter team ends up solving a mystery with some of the most unlikely assistants.
A girl with astounding detective skills and a very special relationship with her mom – both with a passion for mystery!
Innovative artwork that combines illustrations with photographed backgrounds.

She was born in 1981 in Turin. Her family is a little nomadic, a little stay-at-home. She has a patient scientist for a husband and so many dreams that refused to be put away in a drawer. For some years, Lucia has been involved in creating cartoons, and she is currently an executive producer as well as a renowned author of children’s fiction.