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I am part of the pain of millions of people, yet when I look at the sky, I think everything will turn to good.

In her diary, thoughts of fear, discouragement, irony, the will to live and hope are told by Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl. It has become one of the most widely read and loved books in the world, as well as an important testimony of the Second World War. It is a personal and profound story that makes you think about the atrocity of the war. The series Easy Classics told by Carlo Scataglini opens up to middle school lower secondary school, offering classics of children’s literature in a simplified version, to be read, understood and even listened to as an audiobook.

Aimed especially at children with learning difficulties, the Easy Classics series offers the most famous stories in order to make reading as independent and meaningful as possible for young readers. Complete with explanatory images, the books that make up the series are characterized by:

  • a personalized code in each copy that gives access to the complete audio version of the story and QR-codes to scan with a smartphone or tablet to gain access to an audio reading of each chapter;
  • an initial presentation of all the characters;
  • simple language, consisting of basic vocabulary and short, simple sentences;
  • final epilogue of the story and a conclusive part dedicated to reflecting on the text;
  • in each chapter, indicated by a symbol, further cognitive organizers and facilitators for reading: What happens next…: a synopsis of what will happen at the beginning of each chapter; difficult words: less common words indicated in blue and defined in the final glossary; Expressions and sayings: particular phrases indicated in brown and explained in the final glossary.

Carlo Scataglini is a specialised teacher and trainer in remediation and support. With Erickson he has published a number of books and CD-ROMs for remediation and support and various children’s stories.