28 June 2024

Il museo necessario. Mappe per tempi complessi

by edited by Anna Chiara Cimoli and Simona Bodo
Il museo necessario. Mappe per tempi complessi

Why is the museum ‘necessary’? Necessary to whom, to say what, within what ethical and political horizon, at a historical moment in which the very legitimacy of the museum institution is being questioned from many sides? According to the variegated and authoritative voices collected in this volume, the museum is still – and more than ever – necessary, as long as it reclaims its rightful role as a crucial actor in the public sphere, a space of democracy and guardian of plurality. The authors probe museum dynamics from the inside, starting from areas of expertise as diverse as curatorship, management, research and public involvement. Their thoughts and practices can be of inspiration both to those who already work in museums and to those who are training for museum professions; but they will also be useful to anyone reflecting on the central role of culture in contemporary society.Contributions by: Simona Bodo, James Bradburne, Anna Chiara Cimoli, Clémentine Deliss, Charles Esche, Aurélien Fayet, Giulia Grechi, Serena Iervolino and Domenico Sergi, Robert R. Janes and Richard Sandell, Dunja Kučinac and Ana Kutleša, Bernadette Lynch, Claudio Rosati, Maria Vlachou, Esme Ward.

  • Publishing house Nomos Edizioni
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 264
  • ISBN 9791259580917
  • Foreign Rights Benedetta Tosi,
  • Price 24.90

edited by Anna Chiara Cimoli and Simona Bodo

Anna Chiara Cimoli, art historian, museologist and lecturer

Simona Bodo, museologist and researcher

Il museo necessario. Mappe per tempi complessi

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