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Elisabetta, tired and dissatisfied, decides to make a change in her life by entrusting herself to a spiritual master, but at the dawn of this new beginning, during the practice of a walking meditation, Elisabetta is suddenly hit by an illness and collapses to the ground unconscious. As a passer-by attempts resuscitation, her spirit leaves her body and begins a painful and invisible journey alongside her loved ones, heartbroken by her untimely death. Everything seems cruelly inescapable and she helplessly witnesses the organization of a funeral that she disapproves of in every detail. Only the arrival of the mysterious Cristal seems to give a new perspective to what is happening to her.

Consuelo Pinna was born in Cagliari on April 26, 1975. After a sudden ischemic stroke that affects her son just twelve, she returns to writing, an old passion. In 2018 she participates in the literary competition “The pages of Christmas” organized by the publishing house L’ArgoLibro with the story La prima neve. In 2019, again with L’ArgoLibro, she publishes the short novel La mano in the anthology The awakening in the morning.