16 September 2021

Ipotesi su Gesù

by Messori Vittorio, Messori Vittorio, Messori Vittorio
Ipotesi su Gesù

Since 1976, this book has been continuously reprinted and translated. So much so that it is one of one of the most widely distributed essays not only in Italy (more than a million copies) but also in the wholeworld, where it is published in around thirty languages. Now a classic, but written by an author whose motto is: ‘Study like a good professor and write like a good journalist’. For this reason it has been approved by scholars and at the same time read with attention and understood even by those with no particular culture. A volume that confirms Catholics in the faith and makes unbelievers reflect on their scepticism. These pages – written by a Christian, but always investigating and reasoning on the texts with objectivity- rely only on history.

  • Publishing house Ares
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 320
  • ISBN 9788881558988
  • Foreign Rights Riccardo Caniato -
  • Ebook
  • Price 19.00 €

Messori Vittorio, Messori Vittorio, Messori Vittorio

Vittorio Messori, graduated in Turin with a degree in Political Science, journalist for La Stampa, Avvenire, Famiglia Cristiana and Corriere della Sera. He was the first to write a book with John Paul II (Crossing the Threshold of Hope) and with Joseph Ratzinger (Report on the Faith). His many awards include two Bancarella awards and the National Award for Catholic Culture.

Ipotesi su Gesù

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