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Bambini e (troppe) medicine. Difendersi dall’eccessiva medicalizzazione dei nostri figli

This book was conceived and written in order to help parents getting more self-confident and skilled  while taking care of their growing kids. According to the WHO reccommendations, health care should be based on a participative approach. However, the main apporach is that of delegating health care – particularly children heath care – to doctors, who are asked to decide about both little health problems  and more important concerns in the life and developement of  little patients.  As the main solution to children’s problems is drug administration, the author intends to provide parents with a critical approach in order to make them aware of all risks and damages due to the “drug” solution. He also provides a list of  recipes for home-made preparations and food which can treat slighter children’s disorders

Dr.Franco De Luca has been practicing as a pediatrician in a Family Advice Bureau in Campagnano di Roma for 30 years, where is also in charge of the Children and Adolescents Preventive Health Care Unit.