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Ludolinguistica 3

It is the third of three volumes that constitute a new reorganized and updated edition of Ludolinguistica and Glottodidattica, two international successes of Professor Anthony Mollica, renowned scholar of these two linguistic disciplines.

  • Anthony Mollica, thanks to his long experience in the field of linguistic teaching, in these volumes has been able to condense a series of theoretical reflections on the language and transform them into daily teaching practices, very useful for anyone who teaches languages. • With a preface by Tullio De Mauro and afterword by Stefano Bartezzaghi, the volume – through 10 Chapters – offers ideas, materials, tools for teaching Italian to Italian-speaking children or non-native speakers. There are also lessons and ideas ready for use, clear, simple and, what is more amazing, always fun.

Anthony Mollica è professore emerito di Educazione, Facoltà di Educazione, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, dove ha insegnato corsi di metodologia per il francese, l’italiano, lo spagnolo e l’inglese come seconda lingua dal 1984 al 2003.