29 January 2021

Ludolinguistica 1

by Mollica Anthony
Ludolinguistica 1

It is the first of three books that constitute a new reorganized and updated edition of Ludolinguistica and Glottodidattica, two international successes of Professor Anthony Mollica, renowned scholar of these two linguistic disciplines.

Anthony Mollica, thanks to his long experience in the field of linguistic teaching, in these books has been able to condense a series of theoretical reflections on the language and transform them into daily teaching practices, very useful for anyone who teaches languages. • With a preface by Tullio De Mauro and afterword by Stefano Bartezzaghi, the volume – through 10 Chapters – offers ideas, materials, tools for teaching Italian to Italian-speaking children or non-native speakers. There are also lessons and ideas ready for use, clear, simple and, what is more amazing, always fun.

  • Publishing house ELI
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 160
  • ISBN 9788853627131
  • Foreign Rights Vittorio D\'Aversa
  • Price 15.90 €

Mollica Anthony

Anthony Mollica is Professor emeritus of Education, Faculty of Education, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, where he taught methodology courses for French, Italian, Spanish and English as second languages from 1984 to 2003.

Ludolinguistica 1

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